
Our years of experience have helped develop a safety culture driven by strong leadership, planning, training, and communication.

Magnum Contracting believes that all injuries and occupational illness, as well as safety & environmental incidents, are preventable. Magnum is committed to a target zero goal for all incidents.

We’re committed to providing a safe, injury-free work site.  In order to achieve this goal, we continually implement our message that safety is a core value.  This message is continually communicated to all levels of our organization on a daily basis.

Safety is about people

Since we believe that all worksite injuries are preventable, our number one commitment is to have every employee understand that safety begins with each individual and gives them a sense of ownership, personal pride, and responsibility to think safety first. 

We’re committed to providing a safe, injury-free worksite.  By stressing the importance of safety, our team is continually focused on the safety of our worksites.  Our commitment to safety is constantly communicated to every level of our organization, no matter the job.

Manhours without a lost time injury

Experience Modification Record (EMR)

We are committed to a target zero culture and having all involved in our projects going home safely every day.

A unique approach we take to further engage employees of all levels within the company to be proactive and buy into our safety philosophy is through our collaborative safety committee.  The committee is made up of executives, project management, supervisors, operators and craftsmen.  This approach brings together perspectives from a variety of employees and allows them to participate in the implementation of safety programs.

Take The Next Step


Magnum Contracting is a full service general contracting solution for your next project.

We provide quality work, a highly experienced team and innovative solutions.  With our wealth of knowledge and experience, you can depend on us to provide superior service on every general contracting project we build.